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Volleyball Advisors - Best Volleyball Training Tips, Issue #010 -- Volleyball Setting Drills
September 21, 2008


Volleyball Advisors’ Newsletter - Best Volleyball Training Tips, Issue #010


In this issue:

1) Great Volleyball in Olympic Games!

2) Blog – sorry, we are having some technical issues with it

3) Twitter – and now we added Jaiku

4) Volleyball is becoming faster


1) Great volleyball in Olympic Games!

Once again we saw some great volleyball in Olympic Games! There were horrible tragedies during the games involving volleyball people, but the matches itself were a pleasure for all of us volleyball fans.

We want to say “Congratulations to U.S. Volleyball fans” - three Olympic gold medals and one silver for USA Volleyball is a great accomplishment. In the previous newsletter we were predicting USA will be strong in all the competitions, but who would have expected something like that. Congratulations to all of our readers from U.S.

2) Blog – sorry, we are having some technical issues with it

In the previous newsletter we were little bit unsure how long does it take to get the blog working. Well, our fears became true - we have had technical issues with the blog, but for sure we’ll get it going.

We have got good feedback about the blog and we’ll make it work for us.

3) Twitter – and now we added Jaiku

Last month we mentioned about Twitter and how we’ll be using it to deliver volleyball related messages. Now we have added a similar tool called Jaiku, if you happen to use them instead of Twitter. We recommend Twitter, since it is the most popular out of these three.

If for some reason you are not using one those fabulous tools yet, go ahead and sign up. You don’t want to stay away from that fun. They are nice tools to stay in touch with your family or friends.

After you sign up, send a friend request to us and we’ll accept it. Oh, did we mention already – they are FREE!!

Here are the links to our Twitter and Jaiku accounts:


Volleyball Advisors at Twitter


Volleyball Advisors on Jaiku

And once again, here is the Facebook page:

Volleyball Advisors on Facebook

(if the above links/URLs are not a clickable, copy-and-paste the URL into your Web browser.)

4) Volleyball is becoming faster

As we saw in Olympic Games the game is extremely fast nowadays. It has changed a lot in the previous decades and looks a whole lot different than before. We wrote few articles about playing “fast tempo volleyball” and how to practice it.

Read our article about “playing volleyball fast”:

Playing Fast Tempo Volleyball

Read from our volleyball drills pages how setters and hitters can practice the fast tempo:

Volleyball Setting Drills - How to Play Fast?

Volleyball Setting Drills - How to Practice Timing between Setters and Hitters

(if the above links/URLs are not a clickable, copy-and-paste the URL into your Web browser.)

...until next time...

Keep the Ball Flying,

P.S. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends, they can subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here

(or if the above link/URL is not clickable, copy-and-paste the URL into your Web browser.)



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