Learning How to Play
Volleyball - How to Do
Skills Training?
This how to play volleyball section goes through some ideas how
coaches can practice maybe the most important part of game, volleyball
skills training. We go through two methods:
- Learning Techniques by Playing Games
- "Breaking Down" the Drills
Volleyball skills training is crucial to develop into a top level
player - lots of practice time needs to be put in to hone the
volleyball skills.
In some other ball games an athlete could be lacking on the skills and
still play at the top level - but in volleyball you can't play at high
level without having great technical skills. If the volleyball players
don't have the skills, the play is messed up every time they hit the
It is evident that you don't learn skills without repetitions - players
simply have to do tons of them. For that reason
coaches often battle with an issue how to make practicing monotonous
technical skills exciting.
Learning How to Play Volleyball -
How to Learn Techniques by
Playing Mini-Games?
In some leading volleyball nations they have successfully solved this
problem by having youth volleyball players playing lots of different
volleyball games in practices. By using little creativity coach is able
to make up various games for each volleyball skills - when players seem
to get tired of the game, coach just makes up another.
2 on 2 Games are fun - and you
get lots of ball contacts
We have
discovered 1 on 1 games on the mini size court (for example 5
feet X 5 feet) being an excellent way to practice technical skills. You
could also use 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 games as well. This is an excellent
method for the little kids who probably don’t have
a long attention span for monotonous drills. Playing is always fun for
kids - they often think it is great just to play in practice.
Mini games are not just for the kids - it will benefit junior
volleyball players or adults as well. Often we see adult players
playing recreational volleyball with a regular size court and due to
limited skills the rallies are not very long.
You see that happening especially on the beach volleyball courts. Beach
Volleyball on the regular court is extremely difficult game to play
with questionable skills. It would make much more sense to cut the
court half and enjoying longer rallies - then when skills develop the
court can be made bigger.
Learning How to Play Volleyball - How to Practice Technical
make it easier for the players to learn the new skills, the coach needs
to teach skills piece by piece - not dumping the new information on
them straight away. As an example when training for hitting coach could
Spiking is quite complex skill - how to
teach it?
- Teach the four step approach first without even mentioning
the arm lift up.
- Adding the arm lift up to the four step approach.
- Next adding the jump to the approach/arm lift up.
- Moving to the net and training the steps and approach on
particular hitting position.
- Etc etc.
That "breaking down" allows players to comprehend the
skills fairly quickly - and more importantly with a correct manner.
Learning How to Play Volleyball - How to Keep Players
Another trick to keep players somewhat excited about technical drills -
is to
keep up the tempo in practice - feed the
repetitions fairly fast - and
changing the target and the player working on the drill often.
Keeping up the tempo in practice..
For example when training serve receives, player repeats 10 repetitions
with a fast tempo and players switch. After switch the same routine
continues multiple times.
It is better to switch often - if one person has to repeat 40-50 reps
in a row, it is common s/he doesn't concentrate and performs reps with
a bad technique.
Coaches' job is to make sure players are awake
and focus on every single repetition they perform in technical skills