Simple Volleyball Drills for Beginning Players

On other pages you have seen setting volleyball drills for beginning players.

On this page you will learn how you can improve ball control and hand-eye coordination by some forearm passing drills.

Volleyball Juggling Drills

Volleyball Beginner Drills - Juggling We call these following drills "juggling drills".

Players perform these juggling drills in the beginning of practices as warm ups.

Or you can do these drills at home when getting an urge to improve the skills when there is no gym time available.

Volleyball Drills for Beginning Players - Examples

Example 1

Start by standing up and performing forearm passes to yourself. Volleyballl Drills For Beginning Players - Bumping

Start bending your knees and lower yourself to sitting position (while bumping the ball).

When you are in the sitting position you are halfway. Next you need to raise yourself up again while passing the ball.  

Repeat the cycle.

Example 2

The player performs
  • Forearm passes to her/himself by trying to stay on the same position
  • The player adds degree of difficulty by
    • Performing one-hand pass by bumping the ball with right hand/left hand
    • Turning around 180/360/540 degrees between the passes
    • Touching the ground between each pass

Volleyball Drills for Beginning Players - Basic Stance
Example 3

The player performs 
  • Forearm pass
  • Forearm pass with right hand only
  • Forearm pass
  • Forearm pass with left hand only
  • Forearm pass
  • Keep repeating the cycle

Example 4

Player goes on the net, standing sideways to the net
  • And bumps the ball above the net to another side
  • Moves under the net, under the ball and hits the ball back over the net back to other side
  • Moves under the net to hit the ball back once again
  • Player keeps repeating the cycle

Example 5

The player goes next to the wall, stands around 6-10 feet away from the wall.

Bump the ball into the wall.  Bump the bouncing ball straight up. Bump the ball back to the wall.

Repeat the cycle. Volleyball Drills for Beginning Players - Passing Skills

Variation 2:

Do the same same, but player focuses on passing the ball from the left or right side of the body, instead of keeping the ball in front the body. 

It is essential for players to learn to pass the ball from the sides also. (Look at the picture on the right.)

Example 6

The player goes next to the wall, standing 5-8 feet (a couple of meters) away from the wall. Pass an extremely low ball, about height of the knee, to the wall and keep repeating that extremely low pass.

You have to stay in the high serve receive position and bend yourself from the hips in order to do this drill.

"Play around" with the ball; keep repeating passes by changing the contact point – to the right or left side of your body.  Learn to pass all around your body.

Example 7

Practice bump setting by setting extremely high ball towards sealing trying to stay in the same position. Test how high up you can go. Volleyball Passing Skills Low Passing Position

This volleyball passing drill is an excellent way to learn to keep your eyes the ball when hitting it and learning the correct placement of the ball when passing it. 

If you mishit the ball even a little, you’ll be chasing the ball – try to stay in the same position. 

This drill is an excellent way to teach players to bump set the ball – after doing the drill bump setting feels very easy. This drill is difficult enough even for the top level volleyball players, if the ceiling is high enough.

Volleyball Drills for Beginning Players - Related Pages

You'll find more similar Drills for Beginning Players by following the next link

Volleyball Beginner Drills

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