Explore "volleyball drills passing" -section for tips how to learn proper passing fundamentals.
Before learning about the volleyball passing, it is helpful and
quickens learning, if the player has already learned shuffling
and basic stance.
To learn about shuffling and basic stance, go to Volleyball
The most common fault on passing technique is the player heavily swings the ball with arms.
Do not swing with arms - just place the arms under the
A served ball approaches fast; therefore the player
should never swing at the ball - it is enough just to place arms under
the ball to
direct the platform toward the target.
It helps coaches to teach correct passing skills
when receiving the serve or toss over the net as soon as
serve receiving at the net, it helps players to realize the ball
travels quite fast, so there is no need to swing with arms or push the
ball heavily with legs.
The coach introduces the skill and makes sure a player does the technique correctly without the ball.
An example of a low passing form
An example of a high passing form
This progression with a footwork need a little bit more practice and could be repeated in several practices. Again, it is recommended to perform passing with footwork at the net as soon as possible.
As soon as the coach feels the players are ready
they can move to perform the same on the net.
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