Practice Drills - Advanced Serving and Passing
These volleyball practice drills give tips how to improve serve receive
serving skills.
How to run a serving and passing drill?
Volleyball Practice Drills - How to Improve Serving and
Divide the court
into small sections. We divide the court into four sections in our
example. (Why four? We'll explain in the end.)
First Step - Section
First, the servers (S1, S2,
S3, S4 in the picture) have to place the serve to section 1.
section 1 is the 7,5 feet or 2,33 m area next to right side line. From
back line all the way to the net.
Even if there
will be a passer (P1 in the picture) on the court, still the small
section should be used as
target - the serve needs to land on it.
Important! The passer stands on
natural serve receive position.
Therefore the balls should be landing
his/her right side.
Even if passer knows what is
the goal of the serve,
the coach needs to make sure that
passer doesn’t
cheat and stand in the middle of the narrow area to pass. The
coach needs to
make sure players on the serve receive use the same positions as in the
Second Step - Section 2
After the first section
serve to the second section (which is the 2nd quarter of the court).
To repeat, the passer or two passers as in the picture needs to stand
natural serving
position. Not right under the ball, in the middle of the small section.
The coach can add another passer (P2) in the drill as in the
picture, when
working on the second or the third quarter. It teaches players to learn
to pass the ball between the players. (Between P1 and P2 in the
Adding Passers and Servers
To add practice efficiency the coach should also have at least one
passer and
several servers working on the other side of the court.
Why to Use Target Zones?
Of course the coach can use other areas
targets for
the servers. We have found out those four sections
very well for both passers and servers.
Four smaller zones work well with the passers since now they are able
pass harder serves which land i.e. exactly between the players.
This drill helps servers to land their serve into the small zone one
after another.
Volleyball Practice Drills - Next Level - Wash
Servers should mix up their serves and really challenge the
passers. They should serve hard jump serves, floaters,
short or deep
The coach could run a wash drill between the passers and servers - and
counting points between them. If the purpose is to work on power serves
and receiving those - it may not take any sense to give
penalty on every missed serve.
A wash drill works great with servers and passers, not just between
defense and offense.
How many servers for each passer?
is very recommended there are several, at least 3 servers for
passer. It makes sure the tempo will be fast for the passers.
And the players have enough
time to focus on each serve they do – just like in the match.
Volleyball Practice Drills – Too Easy for
Experienced Players?
is an important thought behind this drill. Serving to this specific
section is probably an easy task for an experienced player. Experienced
are probably able to do so without any problems.

However, this drill is
specifically made
for players to practice their
hard servers.
In this drill it is very
important that servers hit their serves with power. They are absolutely
allowed to miss several serves. That is the only way players will learn
deliver hard serves into that area in the match.
The missed serve is
not a big deal for the practice flow because there is another person
ready to serve right
Practice Drills – Why this volleyball drill is beneficial both servers
drill works very well for the passers. Now they have an
opportunity to pass the hard serves since the serves land on the small
zone. If the area is too big, serve
receivers struggle, get
frustrated and lose the confidence.
Why the smaller target area is important?
If the area would be bigger and
servers would rip their best
serves with power – obviously passers would struggle constantly, which
does not improve their passing skills. The purpose is to make passers
feel comfortable and have opportunity to pass hard serves up.
This drill will act as a huge confidence
booster for the
servers when they see they are able to serve the as hard as they can to
a small area.
It will be difficult first, but after a while servers notice
they are able to hammer the ball into the target area. When
players’ skills get better, the coach can make the section
Practice Drills – Why Four Target Areas?
case you are wondering why we divided the court into four areas, here
is the reasoning for it.

in the match there are three
passers on every rotation, which means
servers choose between four areas to target the ball.
(Two lines and two seams between the passers).
In this drill
we practice placing ball into those four spots.
One more time; by dividing into four
target areas players learn to serve on the lines and between
the imaginery 3 passers.
In the match servers have
(2 of them)
the seams (2 of them) to place their serve.
The seams are the spots between the passers in the middle of the court.
One Target Area at the Time
It is important the players serve each of those
one at the time. Why?

Serving to the seam between the players
or to the line with
the power is not an easy skill to learn. The best way to learn to do it
constantly is through repetitions, one after another.
After the player has practiced serving to the same spot one after
another and gets hang of it, the player moves into the next spot.
This drill sounds really odd - and a little
complicated. However, just believe us - it works!! One day we
just came up with the sections out of the blue, tested
them and been using those since then. These drills have been working
extremely well.
Taking Volleyball
Practice Drills into the Next
get volleyball practice drills into next level the coach needs
to make the drills more game-like.
In this drill the coach could could add a setter and allow passers to
after a pass - of course against the block. Or alternatively the coach
can add a separate hitter
to swing the ball. Defensive players should be put on the court to dig
the spiker.
It is more game-like for the hitters and blockers to use blockers
who has to read the setter, move and set up the block. However, keep in
what we talked about blocking earlier. If
you want to make spiking a real challenge for the hitters and build a
steady block in front of them every time, put could put the blockers
on the stand. That way hitters will always have a decent block in front
of them - they have to hit line or angle to beat the block. This could
be an option for less experienced teams who may struggle to set a
decent block for the hitters.
To read more about serving and serve receive
- go to "How to Play Volleyball"
- Click the "Volleyball Strategies -
Understanding Serve/Serve
Receive"- link.
Be sure to take a look at "how to build teamwork" with some interesting
practice drills.