Volleyball Quotes and Sayings For Inspiration

Explore volleyball quotes and volleyball sayings to strengthen athletes mind and self-belief.

Volleyball Quotes Collection to Improve Your Mental Game and Self-Belief

Will to Prepare:

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It is a common sense that athletes and teams who succeed are usually those who have practiced well and prepared the best; they have created pre competition routines and game plans to be able to execute those in competition.

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Mental Game and Self-Belief

Very important and often overlooked factor in sports success is positive and valuable self-belief of an athlete and power of athletes mind in achieving goals.

An essential part of modern preparation is to inspire you and train your mind to be confident.

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Strengthen Your Mind with Inspirational Quotes

Purpose of these quotes is to help volleyball players and coaches:

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  • recognize and utilize their mind power

  • find inspiration and motivate themselves

  • learn common characteristics of successful people and achieve a winner’s mind.

Our Favourite Inspirational Quote

Volleyball Advisors' all time favourite sports citation is from one of the greatest athletes ever lived. It is a very intelligent illustration and emphasizes the importance of self belief in athletes quest to be the

quotes muhammad ali

"To be a great champion you must first believe you are the best. If you're not, pretend you are."

--Muhammad Ali, boxing--

More Volleyball Sayings about Belief and Confidence

Volleyball Quotes Sections - Quotes from the Famous Players and Successful People

The reference from the Greatest is a good example of our quotes and sayings collection you will find under other sections:


  • Kerri Walsh and Misty May Quotes

    Misty May quote after an Olympic victory:

    "A lot of people had doubts. I tried to tell people I never had doubts."

  • Motivational Quotes

  • "Extra discipline makes up for a lack of talent and a lack of discipline quickly siphons away extra talent, that's why it's frequently the most disciplined rather than the most gifted rise to the top."
    - Unknown

  • Winning Quotes

    Karch Kiraly, when asked how he prepared to win Olympic gold:

    "I never did. I only prepared to win the next day."

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  • More Karch Kiraly Quotes

  • Volleyball Sayings Positive Quotes to Inspire You

    "My potential is great - I compete with the confidence of the champion...point after point... game after game."


    - Unknown

    Our Volleyball Sayings and Quotes Sections

    We strongly believe in mental training and self development through positive messages.

    You find quotes to inspire you to set up higher goals when winning and to believe in yourself at the times of adversity.

    We collect quotes related to "success", "winning", "losing", "champions", "motivational", "inspirational" and "self-belief" themes.

    How Coaches and Players Use Volleyball Quotes and Volleyball Sayings in Training?

    Coaches can use volleyball quotes and volleyball sayings to emphasize certain theme players need to focus on. Some examples:

andrea lucchetta italy volleyball

  • When a team is struggling with their blocking and digging up balls, the coach can name defense wins games for practice theme for the week.

    The coach uses this particular theme in pre-game or practice meetings and brings it up as much as possible.

    The coach builds his practices around the theme to make sure players will focus on improving team's defense.

  • It is very common among successful coaches to use themes in various context to guide the training.

    For example they often select a theme for the whole season, for example from runner up to winner to remind players which is the goal of the season.

  • Coaches use quotes and sayings in pre practice meetings or huddles to inspire and motivate players for practice.


    For example players think and go through the meaning of team work quote together and one after another express the meaning of it.

    Often those quotes can be applied to real life outside volleyball which is an important aspect of coaching, especially when teaching and educating younger junior volleyball players.

  • One important aspect of coaching is to teach volleyball tactics and strategies along with the skill development. This can be started at early level, when remembering to keep it simple.

  • An efficient way to teach game tactics to junior volleyball players is to apply clear and understandable volleyball slogans, which the coach uses over and over again.

    For example the coach can emphasize three things for a beginning setter: "against one blocker", "set to longer distance" and "find your hot hitter".

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    In practice the coach repeatedly explains to a setter against one blocker stands for trying to set the ball to a hitter who has only one blocker against her. Set to longer distance stands for a purpose of trying to set the ball from the right side to longer distance to the left side, or the other way around.

  • When the coach uses particular volleyball sayings often enough in practice, a young player starts remembering the slogans and picking up the tactics fairly quick.

  • Using short volleyball slogans will also benefit the coach in matches, in which it is reasonable to give short and simple information to players. Players can use the same idea of short slogans when communicating with each other during the match.

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Quotes at Times of Adversity
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Quotes - Achieve by Doing Your Best
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Quotes - Motivational
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Quotes from the Best Volleyball Player -Karch Kiraly
Quotes and sayings from a true volleyball legend, three-time Olympic gold medalist Karch Kiraly.

Quotes - From the Best Volleyball Players
Current volleyball quotes from the best volleyball players in the world, including Misty May and Kerri Walsh among others.

Kerri Walsh Quotes
Quotes from one of the most famous volleyball players in the world.

Misty May Quotes
More quotes from the famous volleyball players.

Misty May and Kerri Walsh - Quotes, Bio, Facts
More Misty May and Kerri Walsh Quotes. Interesting facts about Misty and Kerri.

Inspiring Quotes - From the Volleyball Coaching Legend
Volleyball quotes from the coach who has led nearly unbeatable team in 2000's.

Inspirational Quotes - From the Famous Volleyball Players
Read inspirational quotes from the professional volleyball players.

Funny Volleyball Quotes - From the Famous Volleyball Players
Read funny quotes from the professional volleyball players.

Sayings to Inspire You
Through these inspirational sayings your memory will automatically deliver your subconscious mind positive commands - and you will perform better.

Sayings about Belief and Confidence
These sayings describe the common characteristics of great champions - their amazing self-belief and confidence which are making them invincible.

Sayings - The Power of Your Mind
These thoughts help athletes to realize how powerful and useful asset their mind is - how they can use it to their advantage and avoid negative self talk to stay positive.

Sayings - Subconscious Mind to Empower You
These volleyball sayings open up the world of subconscious mind - learn how subconscious mind operates and how it benefits you.

Volleyball Chants - to Raise the Team Spirit
Volleyball chants for the team, crowd, yell leaders, cheerleaders..

Volleyball Cheers - Volleyball Ace Cheers, etc
Volleyball ace cheers, blocking cheers, etc. for the team. Cheers to get the crowd going..

Volleyball Slogans - Funny Volleyball Sayings
Volleyball quotes to put a smile on your face. "Top ten reasons I play volleyball" - slogans.

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