Terminology - Common Volleyball Terms
In volleyball terminology there are some words that a new comer should
be savvy to.
Here is a list to help you.
Terminology for the Art of Setting and Serving
One (Set): "A quick set to the middle."
Hitting Terms: "One" or "Quick One"

Two Set: A set in
the middle of the court usually for the
middle hitter to hit.
Three Set: A quick set half way between the outside and the
Four Set: A set that is 1' to 2' above the net and 1' from
the sideline.
Five Set: A back set for the right front hitter to play off
Ten Set: A set to a back row attacker. A ten is
also called "setting the pipe."
Set: Sometimes a setter will provide a set to be hit away
the net.
Trap Set: A low set often very close to the net.
Back Set: A set that is performed behind the setter's back
for the hitter to spike.
Set: A set where the hitter is approaching the setter and may
have already jumped before the set is delivered. For this
the setter and hitter must have precise timing.
Jump Serve: A serve that is made by the player tossing the
ball into the air and then jumping and hitting.
Floater: An erratic serve.
Terms: "Floater"

Let Serve: A serve that touches the top of the net - and falls into the receiving team's court.
Point of Service: A serve that scores a point.
Terminology for Misbehavior and Mistakes
Yellow Card: When a player is misbehaving the referee will
show them a yellow card and this is a warning.
Card: The red card comes after the yellow card and it is a
penalty. A player could be disqualified, the team could lose
serve or lose a point.
Service Error: A very unsuccessful serve.
Reception Error: A serve that the opposing team should have
been able to play off of but that instead results in an ace.
Held Ball: A ball that stops moving during contact with a
player. This causes a foul.
A sneaky attempt to obstruct the opponent's line of sight while a
teammate begins to serve the ball. This is not allowed.
"Center Line
Violation or Being a Tuna?"

Line Violation: If a player steps under the net out of his
of the court this is a center line violation.
Violation: Do not touch the net! If any part of the
player's body, touches the net it is a
violation. Net violation is also called Tuna or Fish. Don't be a
"Tuna" or "Fish" and get tangled in the net. (Exception: A player can
touch the poles, ropes or the net outside the antenna.)
Terminology for Parts of a Court
The rods that are attached to the edges of the net directly above the
sidelines. They are usually colored white and red.
Center Line: The boundary that separates the court into two
halves and is drawn directly under the net.
Back (Court): The area form the attack line to the end line.
It is called Defense Zone officially. We all usually talk about Back
Front (Court): Called Attack Zone officially. Usually called
Front Row.
Zone: This is the space outside the boundaries of the
court. Players can still keep the ball in motion within this
Attack Zone: The area between the net and 10 feet (3 meter)
Defense Zone: The area between the 10 feet (3 meter) line and
back line.
Serving Zone: The court wide area behind the back line, which servers
can use to put the ball in play. You may find it called Service Zone in the rule book.
A quote to remember